
8 2019

In Good Times Prepare for Crisis

10:45AM - 1:00PM  

This Federation event will be held at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire 270 State Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Contact Nancy Maurice Rogers
413-442-4360 x15

The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents: 
Knosh & Knowledge
In Good Times Prepare for Crisis

We welcome Ira Lieberman, PhD, MBA, a retired World Bank expert on debt crises, for In Good TImes Prepare for Crisis: From the Great Depression to the Great Recession: Sovereign Debt Crises and Their Resolution.

Written and presented by Ira Lieberman, he will discuss best practices for how such crises can be resolved.  As the painful experience of the past decade reminded everyone, frequent debt crises and defaults do great damage to economies and cause vast personal hardship.  Resolving them has proven difficult - both economically and politically - and has taken time, almost always requiring a lender of last resort such as a country's central bank or the International Monetary Fund.  This book draws many useful lessons from the recent crises.

Program only is free. $11 includes lunch following program. Advanced prepaid lunch reservations are required by Thursday, November 7 before noon by calling 413-442-4360, ext. 10 or