Berkshire Jewish Voice Highlights

Highlights from the Berkshire Jewish Voice

Meditations on Family - Yevgeny Kutik's Latest Music and Memory Project

Violinist Yevgeny Kutik's new music and memory project "Meditations on Family"

The Story and the Stories

Scholar Reflection

By Louis D. Levine

Allow me to paraphrase the prophet Amos. I am not a rabbi, nor the son of a rabbi. And while Amos protested too much, for he was indeed one of Israel’s great prophets, I can stake my claim with no fear of contradiction. But I am greatly honored by th…

Do Not Be Afraid - Do Be Entertaining

Great Barrington’s Aaron Thier on his novel, The World is a Narrow Bridge

Interview by Rabbi Seth Wax


Aaron Thier is a local author who grew up in Williamstown, and after college, graduate school, and stints living in Miami, now lives with his wife and two children in Great Barringto…

Book Reveiw: Seltzertopia: The Extraordinary Story of an Ordinary Drink

By Avi Dresner / Special to the BJV

The subtitle of Barry Joseph’s, Seltzertopia, is The Extraordinary Story of an Ordinary Drink, and the book definitely lives up to that title. There is nothing two cents plain about this story, which is frequently as effervescent as its subject matter.