
9 2022

Culture and Conversation

4:30PM - 5:30PM  


Contact Joan Kleinman

$ Cost $ 72.00

Join the Jewish Women's Foundation of the Berkshires in its winter Culture and Conversation Series February 9th and March 9th at 4:30 pm


February 9th at 4:30 pm: Interview with Danielle Friedman award-winning journalist and author of “Let’s Get Physical”

Ms. Friedman's book, which the New York Times described as “fact-packed and bouncy,” reveals the fascinating hidden history of contemporary women’s fitness culture and how exercise evolved from a beauty tool “pitched” to lose weight to today’s view whereby exercise is accepted as a path to mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

March 9th at 4:30 p: Virtual Visit to Hill-Stead Museum, a National Historic Landmark located in our own backyard
A well preserved 1901 mansion set on a 152-acre estate, Hill-Stead is filled with masterpieces by Monet, Degas, Whistler, Manet, and Cassatt plus other treasures.  This virtual tour will whet your appetite to visit in person.

Sponsor: The Jewish Women's Foundation of the Berkshires