
6 2016

Knosh & Knowledge "Jerusalem: One City, Two Cultures, Three Faiths"

10:45AM - 12:00PM  

The Federation event will take place at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire 270 State Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Contact Nancy Maurice Rogers
413-442-4360 x 15

The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents:
Knosh & Knowledge with Cantor Robert Scherr of Williams College
"Jerusalem: One City, Two Cultures, Three Faiths, Many Narratives"

Cantor Robert Scherr, the Jewish chaplain for Williams College, will explore the mystery and wonder of Israel's capital.

Jerusalem, the "City of Peace" has been a place of turmoil and conflict for at least 3,000 years.  Cantor Scherr asks: "Is it foremost a place of holiness, or is it a political center?  Is it primarily significant as an ancient archeological site, or should it be considered a contemporary 'scene' where restaurants, a light rail, and jogging paths are filled with religious pilgrims and entrepreneurs and scholars and merchants?"

Since 2004, Cantor Scherr has been the Jewish chaplain for Williams College.  His winter study course on Jerusalem has enabled several dozen students from a variety of faiths to learn in a most personal way about the unique and uncanny meanings of Jerusalem.

Advanced lunch reservations required by Thursday, May 5 before noon by calling 413-442-4360, ext. 10 or